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Plane Boarding Puzzle: Will the Last Person Get Their Seat?

There are 100 people in line to board a plane that seats all of them.  The first person in line is drunk and decides to take a random seat. Every person that boards the plane after them will either: take the seat on their ticket or if that seat is taken, a random one instead.

What is the probability that the last person that boards will end up in their assigned seat?


This is a classic problem for which you would usually have just a couple of minutes to solve.

Sometimes, in an interview, you might not have the necessary time to start from a particular case, but, this problem benefits a lot from this, by getting the right intuition for the answer. If you’ve never seen this before, this step is crucial.

So, let’s reduce the number of passengers to just two: the drunk and the unfortunate one that shares the plane with them. This situation is simple. The first passenger has a 50-50 chance of sitting in his chair. Thus, the probability of the last passenger finding his seat free is 50%.

If we abstract this probability to p_i in the case of ‘i’ seats, we just proved that p_2 is \dfrac{1}{2}.

Let’s now consider the case where the plane has three seats. Denoting our passengers, in order, a_1, a_2, a_3, we have three (equally likely) possibilities:

  • a_1 stumbles into his seat, leaving a_2 and a_3 free to board correctly;
  • a_1 takes a_3‘s seat thus a_3 can’t sit in his assigned position;
  • a_1 takes a_2‘s seat so a_2 will pick a random seat from the remaining two.

If we look closer now and re-label a_1‘s seat with a_2‘s name, a_2 is in the same position that the first passenger was in the situation with only two seats, leading us back to p_2.

Combining everything, we get that p_3 is \frac{1}{2} as well.


First Method

The obvious follow-up is to prove the statement p_n = \dfrac{1}{2}  for any n greater than or equal to two via Complete Induction.

Start by assuming that p_2, p_3 \dots p_k  are all equal \dfrac{1}{2}. Looking at the ‘k+1’ seats case we have the following equally likely cases:

  • a_1 sits in his seat, so everyone boards correctly with probability 1, including the last passenger
  • a_1 sits in a_2‘s seat, so a_2 picks randomly, and by putting a_2‘s name on a_1‘s seat, we are in the case with k passengers, so, the last one will sit in his assigned place with probability p_k.
  • a_1 sits in a_3‘s seat, sparing a_2 of the inconvenience, but passing it to a_3, who picks randomly, and, as before, leaving us in the case with k-1 passengers, so, the last one will sit in his assigned place with probability p_{k-1}.

We go down the list of passengers, with the second to last being the case when a_1 sits in a_k‘s seat, letting a_2, a_3 \dots a_{k-1} to board in their assigned places, and forcing a_k to pick randomly; This results in the final probability on this branch to be p_2.

And the last case is the one where a_1 sits in the last passenger’s place, making sure that a_{k+1} sits in his rightful position with probability 0.

Averaging over all the equally likely cases, we get that p_{k+1} is \dfrac{1}{2} as well.  Using the principle of mathematical induction, we can conclude that our sentence is true for any value of n, hence, the probability that the last passenger will fly in his own seat is \dfrac{1}{2}.

Second Method

As expected, using induction is not the only solution to this problem. You can also use solely logic to get the same result if you find the re-interpretation that makes the most sense to you. The insight that helped me understand this problem is the following:

Whenever someone finds their seat taken, they kick that person out, letting them choose a random seat.

This actually has no effect on the outcome for the last passenger. Let’s see how things play out in the original case and in this alternative way of handling a drunk passenger.

If we consider that the seats below are ordered in the same way as the passengers boarding we have the following outcomes:

  • a_1 sits in a random seat, and after him, a_2 and a_3 occupy their places when a_4 boards and finds that a_1 is in his seat, he has 3 places to randomly choose from a_5, having his seat also occupied, has 2 seats to select from, and the last person in the queue will take the remaining seat, which, in this case, is his rightful one.

Now, let’s look at the same situation if the misplaced passenger is evicted from the seat.  When a_4 evicts a_1, a_1 will have to make the same choice that a4 made in the previous case. The same is true for when a_5 boards the plane, hence, there is no change in where a_6 will sit between the two cases.

In this rephrasing, the first passenger keeps getting moved around and having to choose a new random seat. By the time everyone else has boarded, they have been forced by elimination either into their correct seat or into the last passenger’s seat.

At each step, the crucial two seats look the same to the first passenger, ie empty. So we are certain that the first passenger will choose one with the same probability as the other. Hence, the last passenger will get in his seat with a 50% chance.


We apply a direct approach to get our desired results, using just two external libraries:

  • random – We use random’s choice function for seat selection
  • collections – We use the Counter function for checking our results

We simulate a million boardings. For each, we look at each passenger consecutively, and, either seat him in if his place is available or randomly select one of the free ones. We store the last available seat for each iteration in an array.

 import collections
 import random
 #vector for storing simulation results
 results = []
 #passenger counter
 n = 100
 #run the simulations
 for sim in range(int(1e6)):
     free_seats = set(range(1,n+1))

     for i in range(1,n):
         if (i==1) or (i not in free_seats):
             free_seats -= {(random.choice(list(free_seats)))}
             free_seats -= {i}

 #check the results

Video Solution

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